Monday, April 6, 2009


I'm really tired. I need to go to bed early tonight to catch up on sleep. Ahh!

I got a text from a random number yesterday, just saying "hi!".

Me: "who is this?"
Kid: "ryan. we met at the mall once with gabe and cheyenne. i thought u were hot so i got ur number." (kiiiinda creepy considering I don't remember this "meeting" at all haha)
Me: Ohh I don't remember, sorrrry :/
Kid: no problem. so whats up!'s like, umm I'm not gonna talk to a weird guy who I've never even seen. And I hate when people text like "u" and "ur". UGHH.

And then he texted me later and was like "im going to see a movie tomorrow after school. want to meet up?"
NO NO NO. I didn't reply, assumed he got the hint

then when I was trying on clothes today with Sylvie at TJ Max (good prices :]), I get a text from him saying "where are u?".

I get creeped out by boys so easily, it's annoying. That's why I NEVER hang out with guys. They have to give off the right vibe, if you know what I mean. It almost never happens with girls though. I have NO clue why. I've noticed I do tend to like girls more, and just get along with them better in general. They laugh so much easier than most guys, I love it :]

This post is going nowhere.
Old Navy has some sweet prices, even if they do sell some weird stuff. Saaaaame with TJ Max. Maxx. Maxxx. Whatever it is hahaha.

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