Monday, August 10, 2009


I wish I had a treadmill right now, so I could run off this feeling without going outside. I always tend to get side aches, or get tired to fast, when I run outside. Sooo doing it inside is my thang ♥

1 comment:

  1. I get that too! I think it's probably because on a treadmill, you can set your exact pace. When you're running outside it's really easy to run too fast without noticing, so you tire out faster. I do that all the time. :/ It helps to run with someone else, cause I've found that sometimes having another person there can help keep you from getting ahead of yourself. Butttt I know for the running off stress thing it helps to be alone!

    Haha this is so unhelpful but I felt like sharing anyway.
    I hope the thing you're nervous about works out ASAP! ♥
