I got over you when you finally talked to me. It made me realize I missed you not in the attraction way, but as a friend. I spent every day of the semester with you basically, so of course I would miss you since you instantly stopped talking to me when our schedules changed. Some psychologist wannabe I am, I should've realized this sooner.
And now you've stopped talking to me again, but I'm pretty much over you. Just as I knew would happen with time. This is why I tell people all they need is time, when they tell me how they miss someone. Because time will bring healing about 100% of the time, wanted or unwanted. You just have to wait long enough.....it's all about patience, you see?
I wished I didn't feel so forgotten sometimes though. Is there something about me that makes me just sort of...forgettable? I don't want to be that person who just sort of fades out of your mind when I'm not around. I'm so needy when it comes to love and attention, which is ridiculous since I love to be alone so much of the time. But then again, that's part of me. I've read it in tons of astrology books. Pisces need alone time. Not want, NEED. Or they'll go crazy. If I don't get enough alone time before school, I'll go through the day jittery and restless. I'm so demanding. I love to sit at home and have me time, yet I want to be valued and cared for. So needy, I annoy myself.
Ps. I'm excited for THIS(click) to come in the mail....flipped through it at Borders, looks very handy. AND it got good reviews!
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