I've gotten so discouraged in math these past couple days. My grade is currently a 60.6&. Almost an F. I got 26.5 out of 50 on our final type test, and I seriously was trying not to cry the for the rest of the class, plus History. The really upsetting thing, when it all boils down, is that I actually tried this time, and I tried my hardest. I put all my effort into this term, did my absolute best, and still failed. I know, a D isn't failing technically. But for college it is, and that was my motivation. I can't accept a D anymore, I have much higher standards. Well, in other classes anyways. I guess it's sort of a trade off. In high school, I don't think I've gotten anything lower than a C+ in any other classes. Except math (and spanish and science, shhh). That's a C, or lower. But other classes are usually really easy for me. History? Easy. I was the first one finished with our vocab exam today and I got an 18 out of 20. I hardly even studied, maybe for about three minutes. Gym? I don't like it, it's tedious, but it's gym. English? Walk in the park, most of the time. It's just reading, and remembering. Same with basically every other class. Computers, health, blah blah blah. It's just easy for me.
Math however, is the most frustrating thing to me. When we got our tests back, I went and talked to Mrs. Childs at lunch. I asked her if there was anything, anything, I could do to get my grade up, because I had been trying so hard. She spent several minutes telling me she knows I've been trying very hard and have made a huge effort. She told me I've improved so much from last year, and if she could, she would honestly give me an A+ for effort. But, she couldn't change my grade. She then told me not to discouraged. I kept crying whenever I would think of that today, because how can you tell me not to get discouraged when I tried my HARDEST I've ever tried in a class, and still just got a 60.6%? I guess this post is kind of boring, since it's just about trying to pass a math class. But I'm so determined to pass math, and I'll seriously bawl my eyes out if I have to take it again. Honestly. I don't think I could do it :'(
One term down, one to go.
I can totally relate to this :(