Monday, September 14, 2009

"Living for today but you just can't find tomorrow"

Whenever I notice a lot of people having a hard time in life, or just being depressed, I always get a little nervous/scared, but also feel lucky, cause I'm perfectly fine at the moment.
Is that selfish?

Umm Kate, can I tell you what I just realized? Since we're gonna have a free 2nd together, it'll be in the last semester. Aka during winter. And that means we can bring each other stuff and hang out when we're sick! SCORE!
I love taking care of people when they're sick. It's just fun :D

"Today, my boyfriend showed me that the word of the day was pocket on MLIA today and said someone else had posted something about finding a whole bunch of things in his pockets because of this. He then said I should do the same. I looked and found a diamond ring. Thank you, MLIA."

"Today, I was talking with my mom, and she told me that when she was young, one of the reasons she wanted to come to the U.S. was because she wanted to see squirrels. if she hadn't come to the US, she wouldn't have married my dad. I owe my existence to Squirrels. MLIA "

1 comment:

  1. Ohh I totally know what you mean about feeling lucky. And no, it's not selfish. If anything, it's gracious, because it shows that you recognize what you have in life and are happy about it instead of jumping on the sad bandwagon. Plus, you can use your positive spirits to help others feel better--and that is sooo much more helpful, meaningful and productive than just moping around would be. Of course it's okay to feel empathy for others--but you should never feel bad about not letting their sad spirits bring you down. If you're happy, you should stay that way as long as you can and embrace it! You deserve it. Everyone deserves to be happy whenever they can be :)

    Awww the last semester is at the end of the school year! There are two semesters, and four terms, two per semester. Sooo the second term this semester would be the winter one. And don't you have that one filled? And I might be taking Drawing/Painting 2 at that time. :( Poo, oh well.
