Watching you graduate today was sort of a punch in the face. I remember sitting there, bored out of my skull, when it hit me: you're graduating. What the fuck? What the fuck! Where did time go? And more importantly, where did our friendship go?
It seriously seems like just last week that we were little kids, and mom and dad were our best friends, the coolest people in the world to us. But they weren't the only ones who I looked up to. You might not realize this, but I also looked up to you. Why not? You were my cool big brother. I remember we always fought, but we were over it by the next day. You were a huge dick to me when you were with your friends, never wanting me to tag along. But we still had lots of fun. A bunch of my memories from when I was like five, was tagging along with you and your friends. I always had friends, but why go to the effort of having mom arrange for them to come over and play, when I had a live in friend right there? We always had so much fun together, with mom and dad. Now that I think of it, we were always together, us four. I remember growing up with you. When we both played Pokemon on our Gameboys (and collected the cards of course, our rares are still packed up in the garage), when we'd beg mom for a Nintendo64, when we'd play tag and hide and go seek, when we'd eat dinner as a family, when we'd have friends over and bug each other, when we'd get in screaming little kid fights.
...and then you hit middle school, and that all stopped. Ever since them, we've had such an awkward relationship. You're not super talkative, and I get shy when I'm not comfortable around someone. So whenever we are around each other, it's just weird. Especially since we're family.
High school came, we drifted apart even more. And now we might as well be strangers.
And you're going off to college after summer. And I will probably see you about twice a year or less after that.
I will miss you, even though we never talk. I really will.
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