You know how in movies and cartoons, they always show the main character in a dilemma? And they always have an angel version of the character on one shoulder, and a devil version of them on the other? And both of the "other versions", or their conscience, keeps telling them to do that, and to no no, not do that?
And then they both give reasons for why or why not the main character should do something?

I think it would be so handy to have actual mini versions of us appear on our shoulders haha and you could just flick the bad one off and be like "shut up"
I think the world would have a lot more good people :]
...yeah, reeeeally random. But just a thought!
My brother is going to his lacrosse game, and is driving there. I always worry that he's going to crash, even though he's been driving since like last year :[
Why does my dad walk around in his underwear and a shirt so much lately? It's gross.
Kate told me a while ago that we seem to get along better outside of school, during the summer and stuff. It felt like we weren't getting along as well lately, and I didn't really think about it so I just kinda disagreed. It freaked me out actually that we didn't seem to get along as well cuz she's my BEST friend and I don't know what would happen if she and I stopped being friends. I've told her sooo many bad things about me that I wouldn't tell anyone else, I honestly don't know if I could find a friend like her again. Anyways, then on Sunday, she and I went to Brewed Awakening for coffee, and Market of Choice for food since she was having some issues and I adore trying to make people feel better when they are having problems. We had soo much fun just talking and stuff. I realized she's right, we do get along better outside of school. I notice that about me and a lot of people now actually. I don't know why, but when we go to lunch together, I'm just not as nice or fun. I'm better outside of school. Blah.
This stupid kid, Hank, who has been like bullying her, came into Brewed. If we had been in school, I probably would have started something. I sound so weird saying that haha I'm not trying to sound all tough or anything, but if you upset my best friend then I will HATE you. But we were in a quiet little building, so I just made some LOUD remarks about how gay he looked driving the car he had, and some other stuff. Ughhh.
Last night, I was texting Tep and she seemed really happy to hear that I read her blog a lot. It's cute how so many people are glad that others read what they have to say. But it just goes to show, if the person seems interesting, then what they write or say will most likely be interesting too.
And a LOT of people are interesting to me.
I want summer please. I'm tired of the same routine every day. ER class, English, Beginning TV, and Geometry. Every. Single. Day. I like school enough, but some variety would be nice.
I'm letting Michael borrow my iPod mini (since I have an iPod video too) for spring break. I HOPE HE DOESN'T LOSE IT
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