I'm so happy it's going to be 2009. Just saying it sounds so...cheerful. I'm so glad, I was looking forward to this. This will hopefully be my good luck years again cuz 2008 kind of sucked for the most part. I hate to be a complainer but yeeeah.
I had plans with Brittany today but she canceled out and won't reply to my text asking why. Figures.
Sorry, I'm being rude about it. I'm just mad because I was looking forward to this, and she's canceled out on me more than once :/ Ahh oh well. It's really rainy and crappy out, and I guess I will have a night by myself watching movies and such :] That is, unless someone wants to come over.
Okay never mind, Ashley is coming over! I'm so excited, we always have so much fun together. I love that girl. We've been friends since 6th grade and have never had a big fight or anything. She's just pure fun to be around, but I can also have a serious conversation with her. She's amazing.
Tonight should be so fun :]
I hope everyone has/had a great new years!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Long post
Today, I went shopping with Kate, and saw the movie The Spirit. It was really bad. Well not HORRIBLE, but definitely not worth the $6.50. I'd recommend at least waiting till it comes out in the dollar 50's at Gateway. It was so random and boring. But it was a bit funny. Honestly though, we kept whispering to each other things along the lines of "I kind of want this to be over, it's so boring" and "Oh my god will it ever end? I want to go shopping!"
I realized that money doesn't make me happy today. Maybe it's the mood I'm in, kind of numb, or maybe it honestly doesn't. It stresses me out so much lately. With the whole economy crash coming, it's getting a bit tight. My mom said we're doing okay, but....I dunno. I'm just worried. Shopping freaked me out. Paying for stuff stressed me out. Why is everything so expensive? It's awful.
1. You're amazing, I'm so excited for tuesday. You have no idea. I'm so emotional lately, and making plans to hang out with you like old times made me almost cry last night, as creepy as that it haha. You're just so fun to talk to and stuff. I miss you!
2. I don't really want her to come back. I know she's your true best friend, in that deep way, and you miss her a lot. But I'm just scared we'll stop talking as much like we did when she was here. I guess it's not her coming back that I'm scared of. It's of the possible change :[ We've gotten so close ever since she left! We already were, but like we actually talked and hung out every week. Anyways, I love you soooo so so so much and would do anything for you <3333
3. When you started dating him and kind of became a member of that "group", I felt like you somewhat ditched me and your best friend for them. I was wrong, you didn't really. I just needed to try harder to see you and talk to you, because I've gotten lazy this year and didn't really notice. I don't know why, but I feel like we're connecting again and I'm happy :] Just be careful with them. It'd break my heart if they did to you what they did to a certain friend of theirs ex girlfriend (now girlfriend again) :/
4. When was the last time I saw you?
5. You seem to kinda fake actually. You always seem to think I'm really cool? But you never want to hang out with me, just kind of act like you do. Seriously, just find a way to gently tell me if you don't want to. I can deal.
6. You were really boring last time I saw you, and you always get me into talking crap about people, which I'm trying very hard not to do this year.
7. Last year, you were sooo mean. You almost made me cry a few times from frustration or hurt feelings. But you've gotten so much nicer this year, I THINK. I have only hung out with you like twice but you were much nicer those two times. I think you should be very proud of yourself for becoming a better person. And you were always there for me last year, I remember you were like my angel. I miss you :[
8. You used that amazing, beautiful girl as your rebound girl between like all of your girlfriends. Including me. Shame on you!
9. YOU'RE that amazing, beautiful girl, and I mean that in the non lesbo way. We're really not that great of friends, but you are such a good person. I've heard a couple people say you talk weird and stuff, but I think it's cute so don't worry. You're such a good, pure person. I admit I judged you at the start of the year, but then got to know you. People like you keep the world going round. I know for a fact I could trust you, and tell you stuff without you judging me. You're different that a lot of cal young girls, in a good way. I sound so creepy right now, but it's true. Never change <3
10. You are so sweet! It's amazing to have a friend who shares my religion <3333
11. You seem to have a lot of friends, but you say you trust nobody. Why?
12. You are amazing. We only hung out once but I had fun! I think you are completely right saying that you're your best hero. You are such a strong, confident girl, and don't let anything bring you down for more than a day. You will go so far in life, I can see it. I trust you, by the way :]
13. I miss youuuu. We used to talk so much. Come back into my life. I love how you laugh at everything, it's such a self esteem booster. Hearing from him that you missed me and I was a cool friend made my night.
14. I know this is the stupidest thing to complain about, BUT STOP ADDING ME. You'll probably never read this, but seriously. I drew away from you for a reason: you talked way, way, WAY to much crap about people. Even about your "best friend" Rinnell. You're the soul reason I had a bad opinion of her and talked shit about her. Thanks a fucking lot. I could have been friends with her way earlier if it wasn't for you and your lies. I know you talked shit about me, so I backed off. And of course, being you, deleted me off myspace. And now you can't lurk me any more because I know that's just what you'd do if I accepted you: lurk my page, look at my pictures, and talk shit about me to your current "bestie". Just like you did with me to other people.
I feel pathetic and lame talking about this, but it's true. Ughhh.
I want to go work out soon. I LOVE WORKING OUT. I've been trying to do it every night lately. Every time I do this kind of thing though, it lasts about a week then fizzles out. I hope it doesn't happen this time. I'm getting so much fat on my tummy, I want to burn it off so bad. So I've been working out in my room every night. It's so nice, blasting my iPod on my iPod speakers, and doing ab workouts on my bed and then running in place. It's fun :]
Let's hope I can keep it up.
I'M SO BAD AT FRIENDSHIPS THIS YEAR, OH MY GOD. I'm bad at life this year. I hang out with so much less people this year. I used to be friends with so many different people, but this year I suck at it. Case in point:

See? People don't think I care about them anymore because I don't talk to, like, ANYONE, unless they're in my classes. I'm just so lazy. I was a zombie at the start of this year, and now it's like I'm just numb. Maybe because it's winter? And I have Seasonal Affective Disorder? Hopefully I will get better in the spring. I miss summer so much, I don't wanna go back to school yet.
if you feel like we're not really friends anymore this year, then I promise it's not on purpose. I'm just being so lazy and weird. I'm not a very cool person this year I think. Well, better than last year haha but this year I just don't make an effort for friendships. So if you feel like distance has grown between us, I'M SO SORRY. Just give me time. I'll make it better.
Well it's time to take my birth control, for my acnea.
I realized that money doesn't make me happy today. Maybe it's the mood I'm in, kind of numb, or maybe it honestly doesn't. It stresses me out so much lately. With the whole economy crash coming, it's getting a bit tight. My mom said we're doing okay, but....I dunno. I'm just worried. Shopping freaked me out. Paying for stuff stressed me out. Why is everything so expensive? It's awful.
1. You're amazing, I'm so excited for tuesday. You have no idea. I'm so emotional lately, and making plans to hang out with you like old times made me almost cry last night, as creepy as that it haha. You're just so fun to talk to and stuff. I miss you!
2. I don't really want her to come back. I know she's your true best friend, in that deep way, and you miss her a lot. But I'm just scared we'll stop talking as much like we did when she was here. I guess it's not her coming back that I'm scared of. It's of the possible change :[ We've gotten so close ever since she left! We already were, but like we actually talked and hung out every week. Anyways, I love you soooo so so so much and would do anything for you <3333
3. When you started dating him and kind of became a member of that "group", I felt like you somewhat ditched me and your best friend for them. I was wrong, you didn't really. I just needed to try harder to see you and talk to you, because I've gotten lazy this year and didn't really notice. I don't know why, but I feel like we're connecting again and I'm happy :] Just be careful with them. It'd break my heart if they did to you what they did to a certain friend of theirs ex girlfriend (now girlfriend again) :/
4. When was the last time I saw you?
5. You seem to kinda fake actually. You always seem to think I'm really cool? But you never want to hang out with me, just kind of act like you do. Seriously, just find a way to gently tell me if you don't want to. I can deal.
6. You were really boring last time I saw you, and you always get me into talking crap about people, which I'm trying very hard not to do this year.
7. Last year, you were sooo mean. You almost made me cry a few times from frustration or hurt feelings. But you've gotten so much nicer this year, I THINK. I have only hung out with you like twice but you were much nicer those two times. I think you should be very proud of yourself for becoming a better person. And you were always there for me last year, I remember you were like my angel. I miss you :[
8. You used that amazing, beautiful girl as your rebound girl between like all of your girlfriends. Including me. Shame on you!
9. YOU'RE that amazing, beautiful girl, and I mean that in the non lesbo way. We're really not that great of friends, but you are such a good person. I've heard a couple people say you talk weird and stuff, but I think it's cute so don't worry. You're such a good, pure person. I admit I judged you at the start of the year, but then got to know you. People like you keep the world going round. I know for a fact I could trust you, and tell you stuff without you judging me. You're different that a lot of cal young girls, in a good way. I sound so creepy right now, but it's true. Never change <3
10. You are so sweet! It's amazing to have a friend who shares my religion <3333
11. You seem to have a lot of friends, but you say you trust nobody. Why?
12. You are amazing. We only hung out once but I had fun! I think you are completely right saying that you're your best hero. You are such a strong, confident girl, and don't let anything bring you down for more than a day. You will go so far in life, I can see it. I trust you, by the way :]
13. I miss youuuu. We used to talk so much. Come back into my life. I love how you laugh at everything, it's such a self esteem booster. Hearing from him that you missed me and I was a cool friend made my night.
14. I know this is the stupidest thing to complain about, BUT STOP ADDING ME. You'll probably never read this, but seriously. I drew away from you for a reason: you talked way, way, WAY to much crap about people. Even about your "best friend" Rinnell. You're the soul reason I had a bad opinion of her and talked shit about her. Thanks a fucking lot. I could have been friends with her way earlier if it wasn't for you and your lies. I know you talked shit about me, so I backed off. And of course, being you, deleted me off myspace. And now you can't lurk me any more because I know that's just what you'd do if I accepted you: lurk my page, look at my pictures, and talk shit about me to your current "bestie". Just like you did with me to other people.
I feel pathetic and lame talking about this, but it's true. Ughhh.
I want to go work out soon. I LOVE WORKING OUT. I've been trying to do it every night lately. Every time I do this kind of thing though, it lasts about a week then fizzles out. I hope it doesn't happen this time. I'm getting so much fat on my tummy, I want to burn it off so bad. So I've been working out in my room every night. It's so nice, blasting my iPod on my iPod speakers, and doing ab workouts on my bed and then running in place. It's fun :]
Let's hope I can keep it up.
I'M SO BAD AT FRIENDSHIPS THIS YEAR, OH MY GOD. I'm bad at life this year. I hang out with so much less people this year. I used to be friends with so many different people, but this year I suck at it. Case in point:
See? People don't think I care about them anymore because I don't talk to, like, ANYONE, unless they're in my classes. I'm just so lazy. I was a zombie at the start of this year, and now it's like I'm just numb. Maybe because it's winter? And I have Seasonal Affective Disorder? Hopefully I will get better in the spring. I miss summer so much, I don't wanna go back to school yet.
if you feel like we're not really friends anymore this year, then I promise it's not on purpose. I'm just being so lazy and weird. I'm not a very cool person this year I think. Well, better than last year haha but this year I just don't make an effort for friendships. So if you feel like distance has grown between us, I'M SO SORRY. Just give me time. I'll make it better.
Well it's time to take my birth control, for my acnea.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
My dad doesn't trust me
to be responsible at all. It pisses me off. Honestly, I know my rights from wrongs.
Really lame example, but it gets the point across:
We're having bread with our dinner later, and I wanted to try a piece of it. I take it out, he freaks out and is like, "No! That's for dinner. Put that down, now". I'm like, "DAD, I know I know! I just want a piece!"
He put his finger on the bit I was allowed to cut and literally stood there, arguing with me, until I snapped and said, "DAD, I'm responsible enough to take a small enough piece. God.."
and then he just walked away and sort of glowered at me.
I've been noticing this a lot lately, I hate it. I feel bad saying this, but I'm not a fan of my dad. I know, something could happen to him any minute of the day and I would never see him again, but he is definitely not my favorite parent. I have a feeling we would get along better if I were living in college or something. You know?
I also feel guilty saying this, but sometimes when I'm really mad at him, I think "if it wasn't for the fact that he brought in the majority of money for this house and basically waited on my brother and mom and I, I wouldn't care about him at all." But I do, I know I do. I just don't always realize it.
Hahahah I feel like Michael, blogging about how much I'm mad at my dad. Twins!
Really lame example, but it gets the point across:
We're having bread with our dinner later, and I wanted to try a piece of it. I take it out, he freaks out and is like, "No! That's for dinner. Put that down, now". I'm like, "DAD, I know I know! I just want a piece!"
He put his finger on the bit I was allowed to cut and literally stood there, arguing with me, until I snapped and said, "DAD, I'm responsible enough to take a small enough piece. God.."
and then he just walked away and sort of glowered at me.
I've been noticing this a lot lately, I hate it. I feel bad saying this, but I'm not a fan of my dad. I know, something could happen to him any minute of the day and I would never see him again, but he is definitely not my favorite parent. I have a feeling we would get along better if I were living in college or something. You know?
I also feel guilty saying this, but sometimes when I'm really mad at him, I think "if it wasn't for the fact that he brought in the majority of money for this house and basically waited on my brother and mom and I, I wouldn't care about him at all." But I do, I know I do. I just don't always realize it.
Hahahah I feel like Michael, blogging about how much I'm mad at my dad. Twins!
Friday, December 26, 2008
I finally got a Blogspot
But I have nothing to write about today really. It was a lazy day. I woke up, DID have plans with Mariah, but she didn't feel like hanging out so we just stayed home. I don't really mind though.
I really am getting tired of this rain. They've killed my plans for the last two days. Every time, at least one of us just doesn't feel like doing anything because of the mood the weather sets. Sucks, sucks, sucks.
Tomorrow, Cheyenne is coming over I believe. Hopefully that will work out.
Hmm let's see, I'm always curious about what other people got for Christmas. I got:
Boots from Wet Seal
Love perfume by Gwen Stefani (good stuff!)
Juiced Berry lotion by Victoria's Secret, WHICH I might say lasts for EVER. I put it on yesterday morning, washed my hands twice, and it stayed on till the next morning.
Umm iPod Touch, which I traded in for a 120 GB iPod Classic today
Money and gift cards
Socks (hahaha)
annnnd I feel like there was something else but I forget.
I'm a bit disappointed because I really hoped to get hair dye. But oh well. With the economy crash coming, we need to be careful with money so maybe I can earn the cash to buy it. And I would like to buy Halo 2 again but I can definitely wait for that.
If you're still reading this, you're quite the trooper haha.
This is a really bad post. Hopefully my next one will be better.
I really am getting tired of this rain. They've killed my plans for the last two days. Every time, at least one of us just doesn't feel like doing anything because of the mood the weather sets. Sucks, sucks, sucks.
Tomorrow, Cheyenne is coming over I believe. Hopefully that will work out.
Hmm let's see, I'm always curious about what other people got for Christmas. I got:
Boots from Wet Seal
Love perfume by Gwen Stefani (good stuff!)
Juiced Berry lotion by Victoria's Secret, WHICH I might say lasts for EVER. I put it on yesterday morning, washed my hands twice, and it stayed on till the next morning.
Umm iPod Touch, which I traded in for a 120 GB iPod Classic today
Money and gift cards
Socks (hahaha)
annnnd I feel like there was something else but I forget.
I'm a bit disappointed because I really hoped to get hair dye. But oh well. With the economy crash coming, we need to be careful with money so maybe I can earn the cash to buy it. And I would like to buy Halo 2 again but I can definitely wait for that.
If you're still reading this, you're quite the trooper haha.
This is a really bad post. Hopefully my next one will be better.
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